Sunday, January 26, 2020

Demographic Analysis for Associations with Poverty

Demographic Analysis for Associations with Poverty 3. Socio-economic Characteristics In this paper, demographic characteristics such as age, sex and education as well as socio-economic characteristics such as household assets and livelihood activities are assessed. These characteristics provide an overview on the background of the respondents, which in turn provides an overview about the suitability of the study population. Without necessarily being the source of poverty, it has been pointed out that having a particular characteristic may be associated with poverty. For example, most households that depend on agriculture, livestock and fishing keeping are more likely to be poor. We have also collected data about their profession that how they manage fishing. Also, data has been collected about their economic activities like have they received microcredit or do they pay any usury. Here in the following table we show their professional activities. Non-Users of mobile phone number is 53 out of 205, which is 25.85% and number respondent using mobile more than 1 year is 92 out of 205, which is 60.53%. These characteristics are described in table 1, 2 and 3. Table 3: Information (Qualitative) about Mobile Phone of the User Subject Number of User Percentage Length of using mobile phone 18 11.8% 7 to 12 months 42 27.6% >1 year 92 60.5% Reason of using mobile phone Family 20 13.2% Business 93 51.2% Other 39 25.7% The level of literacy rate is 30.7 % which is less than rural Bangladesh illiteracy rate 50.6% (BBS, 2013). Mobile phones are easy to afford and do not require the user to have much technological knowledge or even to be able to read or write, so this group with primary or no education can operate this. Table 4: Income Status For Mobile Users (N = 152) Variable Income Before use mobile Income after mobile use Income [Mean ( ±S.D.)] (Bangladeshi taka) 13068.39 ( ± 11840.35) 20854.72 ( ±22868.66) Household monthly income N (%) N (%) Lower Income (0-10000) 87 (42.4 %) 75 (36.6 %) Average Income (10000-15000) 34 (16.6 %) 13 (6.3 %) Higher Income (>15000) 84 (41.0 %) 115 (56.1 %) For Non-Mobile Users (N = 53) Variable Last Year Present Year Income [Mean ( ±S.D.)] (Bangladeshi taka) 4666.97 ( ±11390.37) 4134.08 ( ±9743.71) In order to understand the socio-economic status of the households, a number of household assets and livelihood activities were assessed through multiple-response questions. As all respondents are fishermen, so their main earnings are from this occupation. At the same time, they are also involved in some agricultural productions. Also, some respondents are partly involved in business. As we collected the whole information of their family, so the other source of income with fishing by the other members of the family are also involved. The other member either may be migrated or jobholder or may be involved in business like storekeeper. So, in our data, all of the income earnings through these income sectors are also included. The Income group are separated in three groups with their monthly income. The lower income group with the income from 0 to 10000 taka, average income group with the income from 10000 to 15000 taka and higher income group with the income higher than 15000 taka. For mobile phone user, the average income before mobile phone use was 13068.39 taka where after the use of mobile phone this average income raised to 20854.72 taka. For the non-user of mobile phone we collected the data about income for the previous year. The estimated average income of the last year was 4666.97 taka where in present period this income has decreased to 4134.08 taka. The estimated income of the mobile phone user and non-user are given by the following Table-4. 4. Impacts of Mobile Phone Use on Fishing Community’s Business The study has sought to identify the impacts of the mobile phone in fishing community life. Impact refers to the difference that access to the mobile phone has meant to the individuals in the study areas. Assessments of impacts are based on the self-reported advantages of mobile phone access that the interviewees have indicated. Access to the mobile phone has above all meant the creation of more opportunities and choices, but it has also provided help in managing uncertainty. Moreover, existing business relations have been strengthened. We have asked several questions related mobile phone use in their business and they answered (Table- 5). The advantages that the users feel the mobile phone has given them in business transactions is above all relate to the reduced access time to information. Reduced communication expenses are also important to many. Table 5: Business related advantages of mobile phone users (N=152) Mobile phone has helped in: Agreed Easy to use 125 (82.2%) Easy to access market information 128 (84.2%) Reducing search cost and improve market knowledge 110 (72.4%) Reducing risk 119 (78.3%) Most of the respondents say that they call mostly for their business purpose. Before introducing mobile phone they had to accept the middleman’s price offer for fishes because they had no other way to know the market price for fishes in the bigger markets. Mobile phone gave them the opportunity to verify the market price of fishes. Now, before sell fishes to middlemen, they do verify the market price in the nearby markets and only agree to sell when they get a good price. Now they feel much more confident as they have gained bargaining power with the middle men who mostly deprive them from their profit. Table 6: Business information of mobile phone users (N=152) Business Related Questions Agreed N (%) Strongly Agreed N (%) Neither Agreed nor Disagreed N (%) Disagreed N (%) Strongly Disagreed N (%) After using mobile phone income has increased 102 (67.1%) 5 (3.28%) 31 (20.39%) 14 (9.21%) 0 (0%) After using mobile phone savings have increased 78 (51.32%) 6 (3.95%) 33 (21.71%) 35 (23.03%) 0 (0%) After using mobile phone expenditure has increased 82 (53.95%) 17 (11.18%) 37 (24.34%) 14 (9.21%) 2 (1.32%) After using mobile phone, 67.1 percent fishermen have agreed that their income has increased, 3.28 percent have strongly agreed. Again, about the increase in savings, after mobile phone use 51.32 percent have agreed, 3.95 percent have strongly agreed. Finally, about the increase in expenditure. 53.95 percent agreed that their expenditure has increased, 11.18 percent have strongly agreed. 24.34 percent are indifferent whether 9.21 percent have disagreed and 1.32 percent strongly disagreed about the increase in price (table- 6). They are agreed mostly that the impact of mobile phone on rural market is that the rural suppliers could more easily get market information, they could more easily get price information and they find out that the market is expanding. Also they find out that the introduce of mobile phone strengthening their relationships with business partners, motivating himself in taking new initiatives and creating new economic or income generating opportunities. Findings of table- 7 suggest that contribution of mobile phones were enabling rural households in Sylhet region to overcome vulnerabilities related to social exclusion .The phones were also reducing travel times and monetary costs; decreases physical risks; and increases the outcomes of those necessary journeys. Furthermore, increased temporal accessibility enables people to manage several activities regardless of their physical location. Table 7: Qualitative information about mobile phone user’s (N=152) business Livelihood and development aspects Agreed N (%) Does mobile phone can reduce risk? 119 (78.29%) Do you get the assistance of health service initializing mobile technologies? 35 (23.03%) Do mobile application and practices can increase the benefit to women? 68 (44.74%) Do you face any harassment by others? 37 (24.34%) Do your productivity rise? 103 (67.76%) 5. Empowerment Empowerment is the reduction of dependency, owners as well as users have experienced a variety of changes after access to the mobile phone. In rural Bangladesh, people have very little scope for choice in work or social relation but remain confined to the village and its limited income earning opportunities. Economic empowerment refers not only to increases in income but also to having control over resource and resource management, decision making power, involvement in and control over economic transactions. Mobile phone, besides financial gain, could also facilitate the economic empowerment of women. Mobile phone has created an income generation opportunity for rural women. It has also provided scope for interacting with a wider cross-section of people. Obviously, mobile phone as a business venture provides an opportunity for financial gain for the users. Almost most of the fishermen 70.38% (Summation of â€Å"agreed† and â€Å"strongly agreed†, table- 6) have said their income have increased through mobile phone. In the majority of cases the income of the fishermen has increased with the length of the mobile phone owning period. The greater the length of ownership, the higher has been the increase in income. So, apparently, as an income opportunity, the mobile phone has b een a success for the fishermen. 6. Results and Discussion 6.1 Probit Regression Probit regression analysis attained in table-8 suggested mobile phone has a significant impact on social and economic condition. Table 8: Probit Regression: Dependent Variable- Probability of using mobile phone Variables Coefficient Constant -0.24 (0.47) Age -0.01335 (0.0085) Education 0.89** (0.29) Maritaul Status 0.29 (0.23) Otherych 0.0018** (0.0008) Fishych 0.0024*** (0.0007) Credit 0.06 (0.23) Sellall 0.97*** (0.29) Number of observation 205 LR chi2 (7) 59.28 Prob > chi2 0.0000 Log likelihood -88.560767 Note: (1)*, ** *** denote 10%,5% and 1%level of significance respectively, (2) Standard Error is repeated in parenthesis. (3) Otherych=Income from other source; Fishych = Income from fishing; Credit= Micro-credit; Sellall = Sell all fish Probit regression suggested that an increase in Age decreases the predicted probability of mobile phone use by 0.013. However, it can be easily seen that age has no significant influence on probability of mobile phone use. The coefficient ofâ€Å"Education†shows that an increase in education increases the probability of using mobile phone by 0.89. This result was significant at 5% level. Another coefficient ofâ€Å"marital status†was 0.29,which means that there is a positive impact of marriage in the predicted probability of income. One of the most important coefficient â€Å"income from other sources† (Otherych) was 0.00175, the result was significant at 5% level. This means that increase in income from other source than fishing cause increase in total income. The coefficient of â€Å"income from fishing† (Fishych) was 0.0024. This means the increase income from fishing increases the total income. This result was significant at 1% level. The coefficient of â€Å"microcredit† (Credit) was 0.06. This means that an increase in receiving microcredit causes an increase in total income. Coefficient of â€Å"selling all fish† (Sell all) was 0.97. This means that the increase in selling all fish causes an increase in total income. This result was significant at 1% level. The constant term is -0.24 which describes that predicted probability of income of the fishermen through mobile phone is extremely low if all of the predictors (Age, education, marital status, otherych, fishych, credit and sell all) are evaluated at zero. The Likelihood Ratio (LR) Chi-Square (χ2 ) was 59.28 assuming that the model converged with all the parameters. Here, the value of log-likelihood is -88.56, which is negative, indicating better fit of this model. Prob > χ2 If Prob > χ2 tends to zero then there is no heteroscedasticity problem. Our probability of χ2 value is 0.0000 that rules out existence of heteroscedasticity problem. 6.2 Marginal Effects after Probit Marginal effects after probit is taken to find out the variation in the probability of increasing mobile phone use of the respondents. The marginal effects are calculated in Table- 9. Table 9: Marginal Effects after Probit Regression Variables dy/dx Age -0.004 (0.002) Education+ 0.21*** (0.06) Maritaul Status+ 0.08 (0.07) Otherych 0.0005** (0.0002) Fishych 0.0007*** (0.0002) Credit+ 0.017 (0.07) Sell all+ 0.33** (0.11) Note: (1) (+) dy/dx is for discrete change of dummy variable from 0 to 1 (2) *, ** *** denote 10%,5% and 1%level of significance respectively. (3) Otherych=Income from other source; Fishych = Income from fishing; Credit= Micro-credit; Sellall = Sell all fish All else held constant, education increases the probability of income by 21.28% and this was significant at 1% level. As the literate fishermen who are more educated can operate mobile phone effectively than the illiterate fishermen and are more informed about new inventions. They know that the use of mobile phone can minimize their cost by proving various market information including ups and downs in prices, pick demand etc. Relying on the middlemen, instead do not provide the mark; they information about price and market demand. So, the use of mobile phone among the fishermen who are educated is higher than the fishermen who are not educated. Also, the income from other source rather than fishing, when all else held constant, increases the total mobile usage by 0.05 %, with a significance of 5% level .That is, the change in income from other sources like agriculture, remittances, businesses, wage or salaries and interest earnings were influenced by the change in attitude towards mobile use. Again, earnings from fishing increases the total income by 0.07 % and this result is significant at 1% level. That is the income earnings from fishing change the mobile usage positively. The fishermen who were using mobile phone can sell their fishes with better prices. So, the total income of the fishermen who were mobile phone user greater than the fishermen who were not mobile phone user. We have to admit however, that the real impacts on the probability to use mobile phone by both income variables are quite low. Finally, selling all fish remaining increases mobile phone use by 33.14% and this result was significant at 1% level. So, the fishermen who are mobile phone user can sell all the fishes whereas the fishermen who were not the user of mobile phone cannot sell all the fishes very fast compared to fishermen who were the user of mobile phone. As fish is very perishable good, it becomes a vital incentive for the fishermen to use mobile phone. On the other hand, the impact of marital status and credit has no any significant impact on the change in total income. The status â€Å"Married† for person increases the probability of increasing income by 8.14% which was not significant. Receiving credit has a positive probability and increases the probability of increasing total income by 1.67% which was not significant. That the receiving microcredit may enhance their wealth but the wealth status is not much more different of both the fishermen who are mobile phone user or not. Finally, the probability of increase in total income is negatively related to the age. As age increases, the probability of increasing income decreases at 0.37% rate. This change is also not significant.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Our Responsibility in Our Life Essay

Since childhood, we have been taught about responsibility. Until there comes a time that we all have responsibilities that we must own up to. But, what we already have a sense of responsibility for all the things we have done? The answer is may be yes or may be no. So, what is the meaning of responsibility? Responsibility is the obligation/consequence to bear and do something that is given/assigned to everyone with awareness from ourselves. As a student, in order to reach my life success I must obtain certain type of responsibilities. These responsibilities consists of responsibility as a servant of God, as a student (ourself), as a child, and as a citizen. The first is responsibility as a servant of God. Have we run our duty as religious people? Many of us who are academically capable, fulfilled in terms of material but our soul is empty because it is not touched by religious values. For you, students, perform the obligation as a people, not to ask or complain but do your duty as a servant. Don’t just closer to Him when we were in pinched life conditions. Do your responsibility such as do His command and leave His prohibiton, praying, and trust Him and keep faith. The second is responsibility as a child. Many students are unaware or aware but do not want to do self-realization that their parents do not want a lot of things on them. Only one desired by parents that their child could go to school, learn well and later graduated have a better life than their parents. Did not we ever imagined, how the our parents work hard, earn much money to pay us in school. Never occurred in our minds in order to replace what they have given. Therefore, do your responsibility such as obey what they ask, care to them, and giving them your achievement. The third is responsibility as a student. Each student must plant a sense of responsibility on theirselves. Responsibility of the student as a learner is learning well, do home work that has been given to them, discipline in running the school rules. This means that each student is required to carried out absolutely the responsibilities without exception. But, the fact many students who feel overwhelmed by their obligations as students. Students go to school not for learning purposes, but used as a venue for meeting, gathering with friends, chat and etc. While the true task to learn and gain knowledge. Although this is a reality, we must prevent, change our mindset, and we must be aware that we are a student. The fourth is responsibility as a citizen. We live in the middle of society.

Friday, January 10, 2020


What should you do next? What are some of the options at your disposal to ensure that you do not alienate your colleagues? As the budget is limited and the number of projects in question is multiple, only the best projects which promise the maximum growth for the company can be selected. As the CIO of the firm, my Job is to keep the functional manager's happy and motivated at all times. At the same time I cannot create a void between the sponsors and myself. This type of situation creates a dilemma and needs to be dealt tactfully.As a next step I would: ) Conduct meetings with my functional managers and explain the situation such that there is no communication gap created b) Create a plan with them to help effectively sell their project to the sponsors c) Explain to them what made the other projects get selected over their projects. d) Help him identify what his project proposal lacked. 2) Are there any structural problems with the budgeting process at Performance Boards, Inc.? What improvements would you suggest for next year†if any? The performance board is tied down for budget and they need to allocate budgets to different projects.However, at a particular time, not all projects can be fulfilled. Thus only the projects best suited towards the organizations growth can be undertaken in the limited budget. However, the organization should undertake projects which will help sales. Since it is a manufacturing firm, â€Å"sales† is an important part of their business line. An increase in sales will lead help the organizations growth and increase in revenue. Performance Boards Inc. should prioritize their pillars when it comes to IT development. Since the industry is digitizing, IT priority in all departments should be created.As a strategy for next year, I would a) Create a plan where the parked projects could be prioritized. b) The project plans that are parked should simultaneously be worked upon to ensure that the plan is update as per industry. c) The departments which are the pillars of the organization and generate revenue should be put on the highest priority d) The departments which help in ensuring that the organization is still a good place to work should be placed next. e) The CIO must appoint other managers to help the departments develop a good project proposal which becomes difficult for the sponsors to ignore. The CIO should emphasize to the sponsors as to how long a particular project has been kept waiting and help the departmental projects get sanctioned. This will help him maintain relations with both the departmental managers and the sponsors. 1) Chargeback Chargeback is the mechanism by which a company charges for the amount of service that is provided by them. This model for revenue generation is used extensively in the cloud and Amazon runs it Web Services based on it. They charge a customer for the amount of resources that they consume on a monthly basis.For instance, a ustomer can start a virtual machine with amazon with a particular configuration at any time. The customer has the option to upgrade his subscription to a new one by paying the difference between the price initially paid and the actual price. By this, he gets an upgraded system. This is a classic example of a chargeback revenue model. 2) Allocation Allocation is a mechanism that many companies use to charge project teams for the services purchased by them. For instance, a company like Accenture which is a service based company has various projects running within.The company provides each team with a lot of infrastructure which is required for carrying out their tasks effectively. An example of this can be the helpdesk system which they have to provide assistance to the employees. The company charges the project team, a fixed price based on the number of employees on the project. Further, the project has to bear this cost irrespective whether it is used by the employees or not. Further, the number of times the helpdesk system can be used is not fixed. The employees are free to use it as many times as they need. 3) OverheadThe distribution of costs incurred by the company to install information systems which are distributed equally to all departments are known as an overhead cost. Crouse hospital in Syracuse went ahead to build an information system to maintain EMR. They had to bear the entire cost of this system which was internally borne by the various departments within the hospital. Whether it be the Cardiology department or the Respiratory department, each department had to bear the same cost to get the EMR installed. This cost that was borne by the department was an overhead cost which was used to fund an information system. Questions What should you do next? What are some of the options at your disposal to ensure that you do not alienate your colleagues? As the budget is limited and the number of projects in question is multiple, only the best projects which promise the maximum growth for the company can be selected. As the CIO of the firm, my Job is to keep the functional manager's happy and motivated at all times. At the same time I cannot create a void between the sponsors and myself. This type of situation creates a dilemma and needs to be dealt tactfully.As a next step I would: ) Conduct meetings with my functional managers and explain the situation such that there is no communication gap created b) Create a plan with them to help effectively sell their project to the sponsors c) Explain to them what made the other projects get selected over their projects. d) Help him identify what his project proposal lacked. 2) Are there any structural problems with the budgeting process at Performance Boards, Inc.? What improvements would you suggest for next year†if any? The performance board is tied down for budget and they need to allocate budgets to different projects.However, at a particular time, not all projects can be fulfilled. Thus only the projects best suited towards the organizations growth can be undertaken in the limited budget. However, the organization should undertake projects which will help sales. Since it is a manufacturing firm, â€Å"sales† is an important part of their business line. An increase in sales will lead help the organizations growth and increase in revenue. Performance Boards Inc. should prioritize their pillars when it comes to IT development. Since the industry is digitizing, IT priority in all departments should be created.As a strategy for next year, I would a) Create a plan where the parked projects could be prioritized. b) The project plans that are parked should simultaneously be worked upon to ensure that the plan is update as per industry. c) The departments which are the pillars of the organization and generate revenue should be put on the highest priority d) The departments which help in ensuring that the organization is still a good place to work should be placed next. e) The CIO must appoint other managers to help the departments develop a good project proposal which becomes difficult for the sponsors to ignore. The CIO should emphasize to the sponsors as to how long a particular project has been kept waiting and help the departmental projects get sanctioned. This will help him maintain relations with both the departmental managers and the sponsors. 1) Chargeback Chargeback is the mechanism by which a company charges for the amount of service that is provided by them. This model for revenue generation is used extensively in the cloud and Amazon runs it Web Services based on it. They charge a customer for the amount of resources that they consume on a monthly basis.For instance, a ustomer can start a virtual machine with amazon with a particular configuration at any time. The customer has the option to upgrade his subscription to a new one by paying the difference between the price initially paid and the actual price. By this, he gets an upgraded system. This is a classic example of a chargeback revenue model. 2) Allocation Allocation is a mechanism that many companies use to charge project teams for the services purchased by them. For instance, a company like Accenture which is a service based company has various projects running within.The company provides each team with a lot of infrastructure which is required for carrying out their tasks effectively. An example of this can be the helpdesk system which they have to provide assistance to the employees. The company charges the project team, a fixed price based on the number of employees on the project. Further, the project has to bear this cost irrespective whether it is used by the employees or not. Further, the number of times the helpdesk system can be used is not fixed. The employees are free to use it as many times as they need. 3) OverheadThe distribution of costs incurred by the company to install information systems which are distributed equally to all departments are known as an overhead cost. Crouse hospital in Syracuse went ahead to build an information system to maintain EMR. They had to bear the entire cost of this system which was internally borne by the various departments within the hospital. Whether it be the Cardiology department or the Respiratory department, each department had to bear the same cost to get the EMR installed. This cost that was borne by the department was an overhead cost which was used to fund an information system.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Speech on Business and Climate Change - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 574 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? Sustainable Business and Sustainable Development: A Drive to A Clean Energy Future Ladies and gentlemen, all protocols observed, good morning? Thank you for the warm welcome. It is a pleasure, and humbling experience for me stands before you today talking about a move towards a clean energy future for our country. This speech could not have come at a better time than this. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Speech on Business and Climate Change" essay for you Create order There are substantial opportunities ahead for Australian business organizations, but this cannot be realized with also some hiccups. In this road to destiny, there are some fundamental challenges that continue to stand in our way. That is why call upon all stakeholders more so business leaders to think strategically about the future generations. Climate change is real and should concern any focused business leader. We have to base our economic success on sustainability. Business managers must lead the path to green energy and high-tech economy. This is the secret to success in the modern world. But before I get into the details, it is wise for me to touch the developments in the increasingly globalized economy, more so those that have concerned the public airwaves in contemporary days. Economic facet The Australian economy is set for a takeoff and consequently, outdoes its global counter parts in few years. But for this to be realized, we must get our acts together. The world economy is undergoing through turbulent times. For example for the U.S growth for the first quarter of the year has from bad to worst. The United States and other European economies are undergoing a healthy process to cut debt levels and return the economy to sustainability, we recently, so the Greece economy on its knees. Unemployment remains to be high in many developed economies. Though in Australia we are not there, we should be concerned because we are not immune to the same. This is so despite our fundamentals being strong. Our unemployment levels are low. The strengthening of economies in our region particularly in Japan and China should act to encourage us on how best to manage our economy. We just cannot afford to squander our moment of glory. Carbon Price The Clean Energy Future package that was released the other day, particularly last month, was a product of extensive public participation more so with business leaders. Climate change with business is something that we should encourage regarding debate and action. For us to succeed in addressing the shortfalls of climate change we should focus more on both prevention and mitigation strategies. As we address developmental needs, we must also concern ourselves with environmental needs. It is through engaging in sustainable development programs that we can remain competitive in our various businesses. This is what will drive a new industrial revolution.   In our country it can be done; Germany and Denmark have done it in the area of green energy. Also, China is driving the agenda by setting strategic plans for the next five years in matters Carbon dioxide regulation. Unlocking innovation is another strategy for countering climate change. Conclusion One thing is clear in my mind, both the short and long policies that will be implemented by the stakeholders including business leaders, in time it will be realized that our decision to put a cap on the price on carbon pollution will not only prove to be essential but is also necessary. Renewable energy and generational carbon industry will provide new employment opportunities to our citizens.